Dispatches from Deir el-Medina
Benedict G. Davies (editor)
This inaugural volume in a new series of Deir el-Medina research presents a collection of eleven essays by some of the leading experts on the royal workmen’s community. The studies included here explore such themes as: the composition and evolution of the royal workforce; surveys of royal tombs in the Valley of the Queens in the time of Ramesses iii; an update on an on-going project into the analysis of graffiti left by members of the community; domestic and funerary architecture; the identification of individual artistic styles; textual investigation into two new Kemyt ostraca; an overview of the working methodology of Jaroslav Černý, the grandfather of Deir el-Medina studies; an overview into the continuing work at TT 2–2B; and two studies into objects recently discovered at the workmen’s ‘col’ station by the Finnish mission (Workmen’s Huts in the Theban Mountains). This range of topics amply demonstrates how continuing work on the physical remains of the village and its textual legacy remains in rude health. Preparations for the second volume in this series is well underway, with an anticipated publication date in 2025.
Imprint: Abercromby Press
ISBN: 978 1 912246 17 5
Pages: xiii + 257
Format: Hardback
Published: 18/04/2023
Copyright: 2023