Landscapes. Studies in Honour of Steven Snape

Glenn Godenho, Nicky Nielsen & Ashley Cooke (editors)

Landscapes is very much inspired by the Egyptological career of Professor Steven Snape. From the dust and sand of the Sinai Peninsula and the Marmarican coast, to the black earth of the Delta, and the sherd scatters of Umm el-Qa’ab, Steven’s career has been informed by landscapes. His most important piece of fieldwork has undoubtedly been as Director of the Liverpool University Mission to Zawiyet Umm el-Rakham. Since 1994 this project has attracted wide international attention due to the site’s role as a major fortress-town of the early Ramesside Period, and a significant trading post in maritime international trade in the Late Bronze Age. Steven’s diverse range of research interests, excavations and contributions to the field speak to his influence in the wider Egyptological landscape, as reflected in the collection of papers herein. From new discoveries at the site of Sais, fresh insights into the workmen’s community of Deir el-Medina, and discussions of Coptic texts, Ptolemaic coinage, New Kingdom statuary, pottery, lithics, funerary texts, and much else besides, this volume — like Steven’s own career — presents a multifaceted approach to the study of ancient Egypt’s civilisation, culture and peoples.

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Imprint: Abercromby Press

ISBN: 978 1 912246 22 9

Pages: xx + 331 pp.

Format: Hardback

Published: 10/7/2024

Copyright: 2024